Extend the life of your metal roof at a lower cost than a full replacement. Used to address deficiencies and bring your roof to as good as or better than new condition. Blocking the sun’s rays to the metal reduces energy costs, slows the aging process, decreases future maintenance cost, and changes the life cycle of the roof.


First ensure that roof is properly prepared, tightening and replacing fasteners, and ensuring that seams are stitched tight.

Rusting Areas are addressed. We use our rust inhibiting primer to halt the rust and to prevent more rust from forming.

Roof Sealant is used over all of the seams and fasteners to provide 60 mils of polyurethane protection. Since it is a fabric-less product we avoid trapping water which can be a point of failure on other restoration systems.

As our final layer of protection we us a highly reflective Energy Star Rated finish coat that provides a weather resistant, seamless sacrificial barrier that will significantly reduce the harmful effects and damage caused by UV rays.


Blocking the sun’s rays reduces energy costs, slows the aging process, decreases future maintenance cost, and changes the life cycle of the roof.